Energie im Blick beim Neubau
Plan energy efficiency and safety for lift shaft ventilation
Ensuring an airtight building envelope is now a key component in the planning of high-energy buildings. However, the permanent opening in the lift shaft for ventilation is often overlooked and causes high energy losses through a chimney effect.
To counteract this, the BlueKit systems seal the opening with a suitable ventilation element and, if necessary, regulate the ventilation in the elevator shaft by connecting various system components.
Challenges in airtight buildings
If no ventilation opening to the outside is planned in the shaft head of new buildings, the ventilation is carried out via a gap into the staircase. There is a risk of lack of air circulation in the elevator shaft, which can become a risk for the elevator users after a short time in case of disturbances. In this case, additional mechanical ventilation should be used. Learn more about the challenges in airtight buildings.
All BlueKit systems fulfill the requirements for professional lift shaft ventilation and comply with the legal requirements:
• Energy Efficiency Act (EEffG)
• ÖNORM B2473
• Lift standard EN 81-20
• Fire protection regulations for lifts EN 81-73
Always be on the safe side with BlueKit: Legal security for the Installer -
Operational safety for lift users.
Let one of our employees advise you personally - we will find the right solution for your project.